Flooring Expertise For Your Business
Flooring Expertise For Your Business
The Smart Elbow: Technology Overview
This video demonstrates how the Smart Elbow creates a deflection zone to preserve the life of your elbow, prevent breakage, and eliminate product degradation.
3D Animation
This 3D animation clearly demonstrates the flow characteristics of the Smart Elbow. Please note the deflection zone at the lower right of the elbow, and that the vortex chamber is swept clean on system shutdown.
Smoke Demonstration
This demonstration using an actual transparent elbow with smoke flowing through it shows the actual operation of the Smart Elbow. Please note the deflection zone at the lower right of the elbow.
Plastic Pellets – Laminar Flow Demonstration
This video demonstrates the outflow of a long radius elbow as compared to a Smart Elbow. Plastic pellets are thrown against the outside wall when conveyed through a sweep elbow causing damage to both elbow and product. This turbulent “rope” type discharge from the sweep requires a much longer straight length of conveying line before it reaches the equilibrium conveying profile. You will see that the same pellets are evenly distributed across the outflow when conveyed through the Smart Elbow demonstrating not only the deflective action of the vortex chamber but also that material is returned to an equilibrium conveying profile much sooner than in an impact elbow. Less re-acceleration requires less energy and this is a factor when considering that the Smart Elbow has the same pressure drop as a 10D long radius elbow.